TAPEX EU s.r.o.

Dělnická 385
530 03 Pardubice - Černá za Bory
tel: +420 463 351 533
fax: +420 463 351 534

TAPEX EU s.r.o.


We are purely Czech company that has been operating on the market since 2003. Since then our development has been dynamic and we´ve become one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of packaging materials on the Czech and Slovak markets. Thanks to our warehouses in Pardubice, Polepy, Zlín and Brno, having a capacity of 15,000 pallet spaces, we have a lot of space to further develop our company.

“A customer is not an interruption in our work… he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him… he is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.” Gándhí

years on the market

> 80




> 500

active customers

Packaging Service Centre

  • There were two people at the beginning. Now there are more than eighty.
  • The idea of enthusiastic friends has grown into a well-coordinated team.
  • We were solely a trading company at the beginning. Now production is more than half of our work.
  • A history of our company had started at rented premises. Now we have our own ones.
  • We were just suppling packaging materials when we had started. Now we design, develop, produce and supply them.

We put emphasis on personal and honest approach, professional customer care and first-class service.

EU podpora

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání
a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost

Název: Ochranné hrany budoucnosti (produktová i procesní inovace)_TAPEX EU s.r.o.

Popis: Projekt je zaměřen na uvedení inovovaného produktu v podobě papírové ochranné hrany nové generace na tuzemský a zahraniční trh. Toho bude dosaženo inovací výrobního procesu, konkrétně pořízením nových výrobních technologií, SW, HW atd. do výrobního závodu v Pardubicích.

Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Financováno Evropskou unií

Název: Systém pro automatizované řízení skladu (WMS)

Popis: Cílem projektu je zefektivnění logistických procesů, urychlení procesů zaskladňování a expedice, efektivnější využití skladovací plochy a kapacit skladu.

Tento projekt je financován Evropskou unií

What’s New


We’re starting the production of U-channels edge protectors, being the only manufacturer in the Czech Republic.

The reconstruction of our existing premises provides us with new production facilities for the technologies. We apply foam to polyethylene and we begin the production of adhesive foam belts.


We’re implementing new SAP Business One information system. This step provides comfort to our customers and encourages further development of our cooperation.

We are investing in the purchase of new production technologies to produce moulded edge protectors. We are changing our scope of business completely. From a solely trading company we have become a manufacturing company that develops own products.

Investment in new rewinding machines enables us to produce stretch films and films in widths 100 mm, 125 mm and 250 mm. We’ve made next step further.



Seven people at sales department, two at warehouse and one driver have strengthened our team since November 2012. We’re expanding our facilities having new warehouse, production hall and office spaces.

Thanks to more space, we're also planning to purchase new production technologies.


We made essential investment to further develop our company. We are no longer renting the premises, they are ours. We initiated overall reconstruction of the hall and offices, the installation of new shelving systems and the preparation of premises for future production.


We're expanding our facilities having new warehouse, production hall and office spaces. Thanks to more space, we're also planning to purchase new production technologies. Our sales team has grown and stabilized.